Mardaani Movie Special Screening Photo Gallery. Mardaani movie directed by Pradeep Sarkar under Aditya Chopra's production work. Gopi Puthran written story for this movie. Mardaani movie Cinematography by Artur Zurawski and editing by Sanjib Datta. Shantanu Moitra composed music for this movie and Background Score composed by Karthik Raja. Yash Films distributed this movie. Mardaani movie total budget is nearly 21 Crores. Mardaani movie Special Screening conducted recently and that Event Photos for U.
Tags : Mardaani Special Screening, Mardaani Special Screening Photos, Mardaani Movie Special Screening, Mardaani Special Screening Photos, Stills, Images, Pics, Pictures, Gallery