Samrat & Co Movie Music Launching Function Photos and Stills. Samrat & Co. movie directed by Kaushik Ghatak under Kavita K. Barjatya and Rajshri Productions's production work. This movie story written by Kaushik Ghatak and Manish Shrivastav. Ankit Tiwari and Mithoon composing music for this movie. Rajeev Khandelwal,Gopal Datt and Madalasa Sharma playing main lead roles in this movie. Samrat & Co. movie cinematography by Sanjay Malwankar and editing by Nipun Gupta. Samrat & Co. movie studio and distributed by Rajshri Productions Banner. This movie planned to release in this 25th April 2014. Samrat & Co. movie music launching event Photo Gallery.
Tags : samrat & co music launch, samrat & co movie music launch, samrat & co music launching, samrat & co music launching event, samrat & co music launch celebrations