Bollywood Actor Akshay Kumar Launch Fugly Movie First Look Gallery. Fugly movie directed by Kabir Sadanand under Ashvini Yardi and Alka Bhatia's joint production work. Rahul Handa written this Fugly movie story and cinematography by Miling Jog. Fugly movie editing by Shounok Ghosh. Jimmy Shergill, Mohit Marwah, Kiara Advani, Arfi Lamba and Vijender Singh playing main lead roles in this movie. Recently Fugly movie First Look launching Event conducted grandly and Akshay Kumar is special attraction for this Event. Akshay Kumar grandly launched Fugly movie First Look Photo Gallery.
Tags : fugly first look, fugly firstlook, fugly first look launch,fugly first look launching, fugly first look launching event, fugly first look launching function, photos, stills, images, pics, pictures, wallpapers, posters