Bollywood Famous Celebrities at Dhoom 3 Movie special Screening. Sachin Tendulkar also attended this event with his family. DHOOM 3 movie directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya under Aditya Chopra's production work. This movie total budget is approximately 1.5 Billion Dollars. Pritam and Julius Packiam jointly composed music for this Dhoom 3 movie. Screenplay conducted by Vijay Krishna Acharya. Famous Bollywood Actors Aamir Khan, Abhishek Bachchan, Katrina Kaif and Uday Chopra playing important lead roles in this movie. Dhoom 3 movie cinematography by Sudeep Chatterjee. Dhoom 3 movie editing by Ritesh Soni. Complete Dhoom 3 important team and cast also attended for this special screening.
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