New Tamil Movie Pandiya Nadu special screening Photo Gallery. Pandiya Nadu movie directed by Suseenthiran under Vishal's production work. Pandiya Nadu movie story written by Suseenthiran and dialogues by Bhaskar Shakthi. This movie beautiful songs composed by D.Imman. This movie duration is 145 minutes and movie total expenditure is 20 crores. Vishal, Vikranth, Lakshmi Menon and Bharathiraja playing main lead roles in this movie. Pandiya Nadu movie cinematography by R. Madhi and editing by Anthony. Pandiya Nadu movie team arranged a special screening for movie team and kollywood celebrities. All Movie main team and well wishers participated in this Event.
Tags : pandiya nadu,pandiyanadu,movie,special,screening,show,first,vishal,photos,stills,images,gallery,pics