New upcoming Tamil Movie Malini 22 Palayamkottai audio launching event Photo Gallery. Malini 22 Palayamkottai movie directed by Sripriya under Rajkumar Sethupathy's production work. This movie cinematography by Manoj Pillai and editing by Bevan Sreekumar. Malini 22 Palayamkottai movie story written by Abhilash Kumar and Shyam Pushkaran. Nithya Menon, Krish J.Sathaar and Naresh playing important lead roles in this movie. Malini 22 Palayamkottai movie audio release function conducted recently and all movie team participated in this event. Famous Actor Kamal Hassan also attended this Function. Malini 22 Palayamkottai movie audio launch celebrations Photos and Stills Gallery.
Tags : malini 22 palayamkottai audio launch,malini 22 palayamkottai
audio launching,malini 22 palayamkottai songs launch,malini 22 palayamkottai songs launching