Bollywood New Movie Gulaab Gang First Look Poster. Gulaab Gang movie directed by Soumik Sen under Anubhav Sinha, Abhinay Deo and Alumbra Entertainment's joint production work. Gulaab Gang movie story written by Soumik Sen and Anubhav Sinha. Madhuri Dixit, Mahi Gill, Juhi Chawla and Tannishtha Chatterjee playing main lead roles in this movie. This movie will be planned to release in this 7th March 2014. Movie team released First Look Wallpaper of Gulaab Gang movie and Madhuri Dixit looks like something dangerous in this Poster.
Tags : gulaab gang,gulab gang,movie,film,bollywood,hindi,poster,wallpaper,posters,wallpapers,gallery