New Upcoming tamil movie Ivan Vera Mathiri last day shooting Celebrations Photo Gallery. Ivan Veramathiri movie directed by M. Saravanan and produced by N. Subash Chandrabose, Ronnie Screwvala, N. Linguswamy and Siddharth Roy Kapur. This movie store written by M.Saravanan. Ivan Vera Mathiri movie have super hit songs and music composed by C.Sathya. Cinematography by Shakthi and editing by A.Sreekar Prasad. Vikram Prabhu, Surabhi, Vamsi Krishna and Ganesh Venkatraman playing lead roles in this movie. Ivan Vera Mathiri movie distributed by Sun Pictures. This movie recently completed all shooting works and in final position. Movie team celebrated last day very effectively and those photos collection especially for Click 2 Cinema visitors.
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